The first Soft Vinyl test sample for Devilman soft vinyl toy ( Cosmic Devil Version ) is finally completed and done ( after fixing ) / handed sculpted by @ethan.chiang_workshop / officially
The first Soft Vinyl test sample for Devilman soft vinyl toy ( Cosmic Devil Version ) is finally completed and done ( after fixing ) / handed sculpted by @ethan.chiang_workshop / officially,近日公開 :- WF2024 冬 11 Feb 2024 Kaiju One / 壹工房 Booth : 4-07-05 宇宙最惡デビルマン” version 1 - GID 極惡の華 暗闇で光る の ソフビ WF 極少量先行發售 原形 - @ethan.chiang_workshop Officially licensed by Dynamic,Kaiju One - THE WAIT IS FINALLY OVER 🙇🙇🙇 ATTENTION NOW :- | Facebook,Kaiju One DEVILMAN デビルマン 壹工房 KaijuOne DEVIL MAN 永井豪 惡魔人 宇宙最惡 sofubi ソフビ GONAGAI ワンフェス - GETNIPPON เก็ทนิปปอน,Kaiju One デビルマン レッド 壹工房 Devilman Red ソフビ sofvi 墓場の画廊 限定 不動明 永井豪 検ワンフェス エヴァンゲリオン ゲッター|Yahoo!フリマ(旧PayPayフリマ)